Saturday, August 20, 2016


This morning Easton was the first up and came up to see if we were ready to get up. We had a little time before Talan's baseball practice, so we decided to get in the hot tub. What a relaxing start to a busy day! Easton and Brett found this creature sitting outside on the window sill. It was huge! I've never seen anything like this before, but it was pretty cool.

We dropped Talan off at baseball practice and headed over to Ogle's Furniture to order a few more pieces. I am in love with this store. There is much to look at! This is the view upstairs:
Our salesperson, Angie, is so sweet and always remembers us. We sat on the couches we were interested in and chatted with her for a while. Rough job! Haha She was telling us where Dolly Parton's first home was located, and it turns out we go by that spot on our way to church when we go the back roads! One of their barns is still there and has been turned into a little wedding chapel. So cute!

Here is the furniture we ended up getting for downstairs. I couldn't remember if I had shared it before or not so sorry if this is a repeat! It's a loveseat and a chair-and-a-half. Janae, Easton and I all fit comfortably in the chair. It's so soft and comfy!

Here is the scrapbook chair I decided to go with. It has a soft seat and is nice and high so I am over my work. I know Aimee and a few of my other friends will appreciate seeing this! 😁

While I was making my purchases, Easton was making himself right at home in a massage chair. Angie said he was good for business because customers would see how comfortable he was and want to purchase the chair. 😊

Before we left, the kids couldn't resist sitting in these old barber chairs. There's a lot of unique pieces in this store that I love looking at!

We headed back to Talan's practice and had time to play at the playground. They have this tire tunnel that you can climb up, but it's kind of challenging!

Janae struggled and struggled but finally pulled herself up...
...and celebrated her victory! 😁

I'm not sure why I decided this was a good idea because I am deathly afraid of heights!

Of course, Easton made it look easy! I kind of stuck to the pole, but he slid right down like it was nothing! 

This is a great playground. So many different things to do!

Talan had another great practice. They worked on sliding at the end of practice. I think he's getting faster!

He likes his team but said he misses his teammates from last year. He was really close to a lot of those boys, so I imagine it has to be difficult playing with a whole new team of kids.

After practice we had a team cookout. That was fun and we got to meet some new people. Several people have asked the kids where they go to school, and when they say Pittman Center, they say that it's a great school. That is so reassuring to hear!

Somehow I ended up in the backseat after the cookout!
We had to go get Princess Janae new shoes and socks for volleyball because they need to be black. 

Then we headed home for a nap before church. We are really enjoying Pathways. They are celebrating their 20th year this year, and it was interesting to hear how the church started and the many different phases they have gone through. They currently have five services, and there is not enough room for everyone so they are adding on to their building. I did not think I would like going to a church this big, but we have found that people typically go to the same service, so we are starting to get to know a few more people each service. The worship music is wonderful and we love the pastor's style. 

I had to snap a picture of this guy. Does he look familiar to anyone else???

Something we noticed after the service is that they have a credit card kiosk for tithing! I kind of like that idea so I don't have to write a check, but can instead use my debit card. I have never seen such a thing!

After church we had dinner at KFC and did some more cleaning and organizing at home. I painted a shelf for the bathroom and then all of a sudden it started pouring down rain. I went outside to cover it up and paint was running everywhere. Pretty sure I'm going to have to fix that tomorrow! 

We are finally able to use our bathroom tonight! The only thing left is the wood trim and it is complete. 😁

We've come a long way from this!


  1. Wow! What a full day!! I LOVE your new chair for crafting!! Can't wait to try it out!😃 so glad to hear that you are settling in so nicely! Your bathroom has turned out perfect!! Love that shower!! Hugs to you all!!!!

  2. That's a luna moth you found! Cool!
    Love the bathroom!!! :)

  3. Love the furniture!!! Also love the mirror in the bathroom! Miss you guys! So glad life is going good!
