Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Last day...

I know we had a longer summer break than usual, but I still can't believe it's over! We have spent so much more time with the kids than we usually do, and it's been a great summer. I will miss having kiddos to run to the store with me during the day!

Today I talked Janae into walking down to the store on the corner with me. I think we chose the hottest day of the year and there was ZERO air movement. Not to mention it was pretty much a wasted trip because this store was WAY out of my league. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when she goes into that ritzy store and they refuse to help her. That's how I felt! I need a comforter for the guest room, but not for $599! 😱 I think I MAYBE spent $40 on mine, and that's for a king bed!

So, we drug ourselves back up the hill to our house with no purchases. 😑 My first Tennessee My Paper Pumpkin was delivered today though, so that was a nice surprise! 
I haven't done any card-making or scrapbooking since we moved, so I took a few minutes to put some of the cards together. 

 Cali and Missy continue to love this ugly purple furniture. They are so lazy! Little do they know it will be leaving us as soon as we have a spare minute to go buy new. I'm sure they will try to take up shop on that too!

We ate a REALLY early dinner (2:30!), headed to the storage unit to get the rest of the kids' school supplies, and took the kids to the school for orientation. There is a museum in the school that the governor gives tours in, so we looked around there while we waited on some papers to be copied for volleyball.

Then we went to meet the teachers. All of the teachers were great and the kids are excited to get started. One thing I did not know is that Tennessee does not charge a textbook rental fee. That was a very nice surprise!
We found out that volleyball practice has already started, so we took Janae to an urgent clinic to get her physical. She will have practice every day after school until 5:00, starting tomorrow. That means a trip to the storage unit later tonight to hunt for her knee pads!

Then it was off to batting practice for Easton and youth group for Janae. What a busy night!

Janae enjoyed youth group and made lots of new friends. We are very proud of her! Thank you for all of your prayers. They are working! 😘

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