Yesterday was picture day at school so I woke up early to curl Janae's hair. Oh. My. Goodness. I am so thankful that I had Jill to fix her hair most days for show choir. I know I deserve her attitude for all of the years I forced my mom to fix my hair, but I surely was not this bad. She claims that I burn her after every curl. Funny I didn't see any burn marks. 😁
I forgot I wanted to take some pictures before we left for school, and they refused to stand together in front of the school, so I snapped a quick picture of each of them as they got out. Janae was the most embarrassed. Goal one, check. 😂
Talan was all smiles, as usual.
Easton still kisses us both every day, so I knew he wouldn't mind getting his picture taken.
They had some funny stories about getting their pictures taken after school. Janae said she had her hair pulled in front of her shoulders and the lady took her hair and threw it behind her. She was also told to put her hands out in front of her on a podium, and she looked like a chipmunk. I'm so glad I spent an hour fixing her hair for what sounds like a disaster of a picture. Haha Talan said that the man didn't tighten the podium, so his arms were sliding down in his picture. Easton informed us that the lady told him his first picture was bad so she had to take a second. Lucky for us we get to see the pictures before we buy them.😂
Easton was working on his homework on the way home and Janae was checking it for him. She got a kick out of his spelling. 😁

We decided to go to church last night because we are having surprise visitors this weekend. This noise series is really speaking to me. We have been challenged to wake up 15 minutes early for two weeks and read Psalm 139 and spend time with God. Then you add on to your time a little bit each week. I really need to start doing this! 

I woke up a few hours early today! I know this was God reminding me that He wanted to spend time with me. I did my devotional and some Bible journaling AND got my workout in before the kids got up. That was a first since we moved and did it ever feel good! I'm going to try and continue doing this. 😊
I spent the morning getting ready for our surprise visitors. The kids had no idea someone was coming! It's not very often we can keep a secret from them.
We pulled up to the door to pick up the kids and they were so surprised to see... Grandpa and Grandma Gaff! They took two days off of work to come visit us since we're on fall break. 😊
I got to sit in the backseat with the boys. Easton said "Mommy you surprised us! You never told us Grandpa and Grandma were coming!"
Easton had his last baseball game of the fall season tonight. Talan and I went for a walk and saw this in the parking lot. Only in Tennessee! 😂
There is a free fall festival going on for a few days across the street. We would like to go but it's been packed every time we have driven by there! It sure has a nice mountain-view backdrop!
Time for selfies with the grandparents!
Easton had two REALLY hard hits. One was a triple! He ending up scoring both times, too!
We ended up winning 15-0! Pretty impressive considering this team almost beat us last week! We wanted it bad!!! We finished the season off undefeated.
More surprises tomorrow so off to bed early tonight!
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