Monday, October 24, 2016


I know it's been a few days, but I've been trying to just enjoy my time in Arizona and not worry so much about taking pictures. I did manage to take a few though!

We left our house at 3 am Sunday morning and flew from Knoxville to Chicago to Phoenix. 

We landed in Phoenix at 11:30 am, which was really 2:30 pm according to our poor bodies. I probably don't have to tell you that Sunday was the longest day ever. We didn't think it would ever end. Haha 

This morning we woke up at 6 and went to breakfast. The sunrise was beautiful.

Brett had work meetings every 20 minutes for 8 hours today. Oy vey. I, on the other hand, had nothing to do! I spent the morning enjoying the outdoors on a walk and then at the fitness center. 

The resort has five pools, and I went to two of them today. The water was perfect! The air was also perfect to enjoy the hot tubs. The weather is beautiful here. The sun was mostly covered by clouds, so it was not scorching hot. The low humidity was also very nice! I can see why people retire here. Although, other than in the city and at the resort, it's not the prettiest state! I much prefer our Tennessee mountains to the brown mountains here. 😂

It looks like everyone survived Sunday back at home. They drove to Cherokee, which I have never been to. I will have to add that to my ever-growing list of things to do!

Looks like it was a long trip. Poor Janae! 😂

Tonight we have a dinner to go to. I am especially looking forward to it because I am not allowed to go to the lunches, so I am famished! Tomorrow I think I will see if there is a place within walking distance for lunch! 😁

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