Yesterday it was CRAZY foggy up at the school. There wasn't a bit down on the road! I'm not sure if we'll ever get a fog delay. It always seems to be above us, which I think is funny, considering we're pretty high up here. 😊
After dropping the kids off at school, I was freezing, so I got in the hot tub. All of a sudden, I heard a crunch in the leaves. I peeked up over the edge of the hot tub cover and there was the cub, poking his head through the slats of the deck, staring right back at me! I nearly had a panic attack, but I had my phone and I called Brett. He came out on the deck and said the cub had moved down further along the house, and I was safe. I guess he didn't like being that close to me any more than I did him! 😁
He ate some fruit that was down there, and then mosied his way down the driveway. He's cuter at a distance. 😁
After lunch, I walked downtown. It's busy here again! The leaves haven't turned much yet, so I am assuming it will get even busier the further into fall it gets. I've heard it's beautiful here in the fall. On my way back, I stopped to look at our house. It looks so weird from down below, and I don't even think of it looking like this! It's all decks! That vine is crazy too. It overtakes everything and completely covers the ground. It looks a lot different from when we bought the house in the winter. I much prefer the green!
See Brett out there on the bottom deck? 😂
By the time I got home, it was time to go pick up the kids. We decided to go to Knoxville to get a Sam's Club membership and go to Kohl's. It's about an hour drive from the school, but we'll still probably go there enough to get our money out of it. I had gotten the executive membership back in Indiana at Costco, and we did NOT end up using that one enough to make back our $110, so we stuck with the regular membership at Sam's for $45. We already won on dinner, feeding all five of us for$15. 😎
We didn't get home until late and my phone was dead, so I gave myself permission to not blog last night. That's hard to do sometimes! Especially when you have a mother-in-law yelling at you who has convinced herself that we are all dead. Haha 😂
This morning Talan had baseball practice and it was gorgeous outside. The rest of us played catch for a while. I even did...mostly to stay warm! 😁
After practice, we made a stop at the storage unit. It WILL be empty this month! We just have to figure out where to put our outside things...
Janae, Easton and I walked downtown since it was so nice out.
Traffic was crazy! Glad I don't have to get into it! My feet work just fine. 😁
We stopped and watched them pulling taffy. We've seen it many times, but it's still pretty cool to watch. This little machine pulls the taffy into a long, skinny strip, cuts it into individual pieces, wraps them, and then spits them into a basket. Pretty cool!
When we got home, Brett and I hung up this awesome painting we got from our first trip to the Dominican together.
It was originally on a thick piece of fabric, and we didn't know how to frame it neatly. We had one of the workers custom make a frame for it out of the leftover wood from our trim. Then we tacked it to the back of the frame and nailed it straight into the wall. Problem solved and I love it! We put this in the guest bedroom and I almost wish we had put it in our room. So, if you come stay with us, you better enjoy it. Haha
Tonight we have church and are starting a new series called Noise. I'm very excited about it!
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