Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ready to be Home

It was nice to get away for a few days, but we sure do miss the kids and our home. We are ready to be home! Going on a trip isn't nearly as much fun without the kids. 😑 I was on my own for most of the trip too, which was especially boring. My daily conversations were with cactuses (or cacti, if you prefer the Latin plural). 😂

Brett and I had a great time in the evenings, though. He was done at 5:00 and dinner wasn't until 7:00, so we went for walks in the evening. It got cool(er) pretty early in the evenings, which I wasn't expecting. 

Since I was on my own during the days, I spent a lot of time walking Around the resort. I'm pretty sure I covered all 40 acres!

They also had a fabulous fitness center. I was thrilled to see that they had a full room dedicated to free weights and weight machines. I'm not a cardio girl. I much prefer weights! 

On one of my walks, I got off the resort property and saw some pretty nice houses. 

While the trees and cactuses are nice to look at, those brown mountains are just not attractive to me! On our way in, our driver was telling us about all of the celebrities that have lived on this particular mountain. Why? I have no idea!

A lot of the trees and cactuses at the resort have tags on them telling what they are and a little history about them. Those were interesting to read.

This poor little cactus is endangered in the wild. It is a Golden Barrel Cactus. I'm guessing you don't want to trip and fall onto that fella!

My personal favorite is the Mexican Fan Palm. They are soooo tall and among the fastest growing palm trees. 

This Mediterranean Palm had fruit on it that looked like purple grapes. It said the fruit was ripe when it turned yellow.

Here is some Aloe Vera. That plant was huge!

And that completes your tour of our resort! Haha! We are currently in line at security, headed home. We lose three hours. Ugh! We can't wait to be back in good ole Tennessee!

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