Wow, time has really gotten away from me and I didn't even realize I haven't blogged in two days! I had a few sweet souls remind me though and asked if we were okay. Haha I'm glad that someone is reading this and interested in what we are doing, even if it may not be that exciting sometimes. 😊
Wednesday morning it really seemed like the leaves had changed a lot. I wish you could see it better in my pictures. It is really beautiful in person!
We had parent-teacher conferences after school. The boys took advantage of the waiting and got started on their homework. We are so blessed to have kids who care about their grades. Of course, Janae didn't have any. She hardly ever does! We got good reports on all of the kids. They are continuing to do well in their new school. This was our biggest concern when we moved, and now it's not a worry at all! God has been looking out for us in many ways! 😊 Every teacher told us they wished they could have a full classroom of our kids. That is so nice to hear! I guess they save all of their annoyances for home. 😂
I tried to get the kids to pose together for a picture afterwards. Here's brotherly-sisterly love as demonstrated by Janae and Talan.

Easton and Janae are much better at it! 😊
We went to Wednesday night church and the sermon was given by the youth pastor, Mason. He was REALLY good and so easy to listen to. We really want Janae to start going back to the youth services on Tuesday nights, now that volleyball and baseball are over with.
I must have been all out of sorts yesterday because I forgot to take any pictures before school! Cali must have had a rough night, because this is how she looked when we got home. She cracks me up! Not very lady-like at all! 😂
I decided to go to Dollywood to do some shopping. By myself. 😁 I'm such a big girl now! 😂
The trees were beautiful there! There were quite a few people there, but there was some sort of a gospel concert that a lot of the crowd was at, so there were no lines at the rides. I decided what the heck and rode on three, including the Wild Eagle! I discovered that I scream even if no one is with me. 😁
On my way out, there was no one waiting to leave. I mean, who else comes for less than two hours? 😉 I was the only one riding the tram out to the parking lot!
After school, we only had a few minutes to get homework done and get ready for Easton's baseball party.
The party was at one of his teammate's dad's house. He happens to own The Comedy Barn, Hatfield and McCoy and six other businesses. Wow. His house was amazing. It was like something you would see on HGTV. When we walked out back the kids asked when we could move in. 😁
The fireplace was so nice! Of course, I love the heat. 😁
Yes, that is an underwater bar with seats in the water. There on the left is huge flat screen TV.
This was such a neat experience for all of the kids. You could tell that none of them had ever been to a place like this. They loved every moment of the night and had a fantastic time. We had a great time getting to know everyone better, too. Easton will be playing on this team again in the summer, with practices starting in January, so we will be spending a lot more time together! There was also talk of a four-day trip to South Carolina and the beach. Okay, I'm in! 😁
I think Easton could get used to this place. He was just chillin'. Lol
The Cubs ended up undefeated for the season, the only team in every league at Sevierville to go undefeated in boys or girls. That's pretty impressive!
Each player got a really neat trophy with his name on it. This is Easton's first trophy ever, so he started out with a pretty nice one!
They swam for two hours. It was a beautiful evening. They must have gone up and down the water slide a hundred times each.
The lights, fountains and music at the pool were so relaxing.
They sure slept good last night, too! What a fantastic evening. 😁
This morning we woke up to rain and temperatures 25+ degrees cooler than yesterday. We knew it was coming, but I think we were all secretly hoping that there would be a shift and it would stay warm a little longer! No such luck though. 😑
My parents and Grandma are on their way down for a lengthy visit though, so I know we have a lot of fun ahead of us, despite the dreary weather! Plus, it's Friday, and that makes everyone feel a little happier. 😊
That is an amazing home!! How nice of them to share with the team!! Enjoy your time with your family!!