We got phone calls last night from Talan and Easton's baseball coaches. Talan will be playing for the Iron Pigs 😁 and Easton will be playing for the Cubs. Talan had his first practice this morning!
His practice was at a school in Sevierville. It was close to the Neighborhood Walmart so Janae and I went and got groceries while the boys were at Talan's practice.
Have you ever been to a Neighborhood Walmart? I had never even heard of one until we moved here. It is only groceries, so no other things to distract me from my list! I really like it. It was not as busy as Food City, where I had been going, and prices were the same as Walmart back in Indiana.
Brett said that Talan had the best practice of his life! I'm so glad because we were a little worried. Unlike in Indiana, teams pretty much stay the same here. So these kids just all finished playing together in the spring on the same team. They all just moved up to this league from coach pitch though, so Talan is the oldest on the team and has had experience playing in a league like this. I think this will be a good team for him. Brett said the coach was good and having been a player and coach himself, he's kind of picky. 😁
We also discovered that one of the player's moms is Talan's teacher at church! That was pretty cool. Brett said that she made her way to him right away to see if he remembered her from church. 😊
After practice, we had a picnic lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Dollywood. The pavement was hot, hot, HOT!
Janae and I had quite the experience riding a ride with two men because there were only two of us. It was a toboggan-like ride and, because we were so heavy, we went super fast. They were yelling in some other language that I didn't recognize. 😂 We got to the bottom and our raft overflowed with water and we almost flipped over. Janae said never again will she ride with strangers. Hahahaha
This evening we got some more things finished around the house. Princess Janae's room is the first to be completed. Of course. 😂
It's pretty much a room fit for a queen, not a princess! She loves it. The boys do too. They like to sleep in there! She complains about it but I think she secretly likes it because she's a big scaredy cat. 😁
My projects for the night included potting mums and freezing hamburger that was on special.
Have you seen this? You roll the bags of hamburger with a rolling pin to flatten them out. This makes them easier to stack and faster to thaw. I'm glad I remembered to do this before I froze them!
My final pictures for the night are Janae playing with her new friends.
Oh, wait. That is Talan and Easton playing dress up! 😂😂😂
The kids are getting along so much better now that they only have each other to play with for now. It's so nice to see them having fun together! Right now they're giggling and singing karaoke. Pics of that tomorrow!
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