We decided earlier in the week that today would be our first hike. Last night I found a trail not too far away that led to a waterfall, Baskin's Creek Falls. We woke up the kids this morning, had them dress in their swimsuits and hiking shoes, and set out for our hike. The trail was just a few miles from our house and there were some gorgeous views.

A nice gentleman offered to take our picture. Doesn't this look fake?! It looks like we were just plopped in front of a background, I think.

A nice gentleman offered to take our picture. Doesn't this look fake?! It looks like we were just plopped in front of a background, I think.
The same nice gentleman jumped our truck when it would not start. We were very thankful that God put him there for us at the right time because we had not seen another person since we started on the motor trail!
One thing about the motor trail that complicated things for us was that it was one way. So, if you passed a trail, you could not turn back. We weren't exactly sure where the trail we wanted was at, so we kept going past several trails. Unfortunately, we ended up passing every trail and ended up right by our house! Haha At that point we decided to go get the truck battery checked and have lunch.
Later in the afternoon, we ventured back to the trails to try and find the waterfall. We stopped at one that said 2.7 miles. We hiked and hiked and hiked. The kids did so good. It was REALLY steep going down so we knew going back up was going to be difficult.
We saw some strange red mushrooms on the trail.
We also saw two deer. We were less than ten feet away from them and they just kept eating. I almost think we could have pet them and they wouldn't have minded. 😊
The streams along the way were beautiful. And look at my gorgeous family! 😍
We finally reached the bottom and the hike was worth it. My cell phone pictures do not do it justice!
We took off our shoes and waded in the water. Janae wouldn't get in the water without her shoes so she didn't go very far. She's a weirdo when it comes to water. Haha The rest of us went under the waterfall to cool off from the long hike.
We were at the waterfall for about 20 minutes and it started to thunder. Uh oh! We got our shoes on and took off up the trail as fast as we could, because we knew we were a good 45 minutes from the top. 😱
About 10 minutes into our hike it started to rain. At first we weren't even getting wet because of all of the tree coverage, but then it absolutely poured. I was soaked like I have never been soaked before. Every step was squish, squish, squish. The thunder cracked sooooo loud. The trail was slippery and muddy, but we kept going and finally reached the truck. Phew! Talk about an adventure! We had to take one final selfie (or is it a groupie? 😂) to celebrate our accomplishment. 😊
We are looking forward to many more hikes here!
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