Wow, today was a long and busy day! I had to snap a picture of the family eating breakfast this morning.
Funny that they get to sit down and I always end up standing to eat mine while I'm doing a hundred other things before school starts. 😁
Brett wanted to check out a new contact, so I drove him there while he wrote down more businesses along the way.
Do you recognize this truck?
Or this sign?
Yes! We went to Bush's Baked Bean factory! It was a really cool tour. They showed a video on how the company was started, as well as the factory and long process it takes to make a can of beans.
Then we went through the walking tour.
Brett checked to see how much he would weigh in beans. I skipped that one. 😂
The Bush's secret family recipe sure is kept behind tight security! 😁
Here is the original family house, which was the first thing ever on the property. It's kind of funny because it's right in the middle of everything now.
And here is the factory across the street.
Then we got this awesome free picture with Duke. 😁
They also had a restaurant, and since it was lunchtime we had to go there too! It was fantastic and we would highly recommend it!
After school, I took the boys to the park we found the other day. I packed them a snack and then we played on the playground for a little bit. We threw the football around until they were hot and sweaty and then decided to check out the library.
The library has a cat! Talan was like the paparazzi stalking it to get a picture. 😂
This cat could give Cali a run for her money!
We all got library cards and then picked out a book each. I'm so glad I have kids who love to read!
Then it was time to go pick Janae up from volleyball. Wouldn't you know it, my van wouldn't start because we had the back door open, so I had to call Brett to come jump it. Time for a new battery, I think! 😞
After dinner we headed to Gatlinburg-Pittman for our first Friday Night Lights in Tennessee! The stadium is awesome. I guess it should be for $1.3 million!
We truly felt like we were at a college football game, not a high school game! It was very impressive. They had a screen above the scoreboard to show replays!
Before the game they had a moment of silence and everyone said The Lord's Prayer. That was pretty neat!
Something else that was new to us was that the other team brought their own band. And they performed at halftime!
Our team had a good first half but pretty much got creamed in the second half and lost 19-48. We will probably not be going to any away games. We looked up a few of the teams we play and they were an hour and a half to two hours away! We're not super fans like we were at Busco yet. 😂
Easton was tuckered out by the end of the night. The game didn't start until 7:30 so it was going on 11:00 by the time it was over. That's a long day for him!
Time for bed and more adventures tomorrow! 😍
Janae is hilarious in that pic! And I love the smack-talk on the run through paper thing!!!!!