Well, it's been a while since I have done a house update so I thought it would be best to just do a blog post.
We spent all day yesterday driving around getting things taken care of for the house and then we had church so we were gone from about 8:30-8:30. It was a long day, so we decided to do something fun with the kids today. Splash Country it is!
If you noticed, the sky is very gray and cloud covered. It's only about 70 degrees, so this is my current situation:
I know, you're probably shocked that I'm completely wrapped up in towels. 😂 I am hoping the sun makes an appearance before I freeze to death!
The past few weeks, Isaac and his crew have been working on the deck. They want to get it completed so it will be easier to install the doors and windows. This is the bottom level that faces the road.
One day we went for our daily check-in of what was completed for the day, and discovered that a bear had used the guest room for a toilet! He even wiped his bottom on the wall! I really hope they get those doors on soon. 🙄
Our deck before was split into a bunch of levels where we didn't even have room to put a table. Now we have a bigger platform where the hot tub will be where we can have a table. It looks so much bigger already!
Here is where the front bottom deck steps up to the platform. Isaac has made it so much more user-friendly and it is so sturdy. The inspector told him this is the way everyone should be building decks. That made me feel good to know it is solid and not going anywhere!
Do you see the two little monkeys invading our house? 😊
We also now have steps going upstairs! No more climbing up a ladder. Hallelujah! If you know me well, you know I am deathly afraid of heights. I have video to prove that Janae is just like me. 😂
There's those monkeys again, hanging out in my bedroom!
Now that we have stairs inside, they will be coming to measure for flooring this week. We placed our order for appliances and finalized our kitchen design this week. It's all very similar to before because we had just remodeled it and loved it! After Isaac measures, we will order our cabinets. This week they will be putting on the metal roof and working on the upper deck. It's moving right along!
My final thought for the day is this:
How many old men does it take to figure out how to place a special order for drawer pulls? Three. How long does it take them to figure it out? An hour. How many times do they claim someone has placed a special order for drawer pulls? Zero. I find that hard to believe, but I will be SHOCKED if I get what I was trying to order on the first try. 🙄 We had some good laughs with these gentleman though. 😊